Jason Gonzalez
I am a Sr. UX designer with 10+ years of real work experience on mobile, desktop and web applications with a strong visual design. My work focuses on the interaction, easy to use and intuitive multi-platform application interfaces.
Who im i?
- I'm a Puerto Rican native that loves big cities and a good conversation without phones.
- Love modern art, white empty spaces, and museums.
- On my free time, I'm a musician-producer, writer, and entrepreneur
- I enjoy working with teams of people and brilliant minds.
what I do
- Design beautiful products trough ux process and visual design and help companies to meet their business goals.
- Integrate design culture into the development process of a product.
- Turning ideas into reality and products that other people can use and enjoy.
My process
- Carefully observed and organize research, data, and feedback.
- Understand the complex problems and investigate the right question that leads to the solution.
- Design and iterate rapidly multiple prototypes and concepts into the right solution
What I'm i Working On
UIOutlet an app to view new mobile ui design ideas, trends, and inspirations from visual designers all over the world. you can download visual design files and share it. available on the apple app atore now.
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